BEMA Guidelines

The British Equestrian Media Association (BEMA) welcomes all those working to create content – whatever form that takes.

This document is designed to act as a guide for content creators and show organisers, to reflect the changing media landscape and to help all stakeholders work together. It is a living document, meaning it can be updated to move with the times, and is designed to help rather than being a prescriptive set of rules. Should they wish to do so, organisers are welcome to use these guidelines, or elements of these, in any way they find helpful.

We want everyone to feel welcome in the working environment. With the rise of new media platforms and creators, including influencers, here are some suggested pointers:

Content creators:

  • Read and abide by the IPSO and Ofcom codes. Particular note should be given to clauses covering fairness and accuracy, and intrusion into grief or shock.
  • For those working in a marketing capacity, read and abide by the ISBA marketing code of conduct
  • Make yourself aware of any rights and copyright restrictions for still and moving images. For example, video footage of the field of play; using photographs that you do not own the rights to in posts, videos and reels. If you are unsure, contact the organiser/press officer
  • Read and respect any rules surrounding image and/or video sales as set out by the event
  • Read and abide by the FEI's guide for non-rights holders on what video footage may be published, at relevant events. Note: this guide has been updated for 2024
  • Where possible, make shows aware in advance of your intended coverage as this can help them to help you
  • Be mindful of other working media
  • Only accredited media to have access to working media spaces
  • Not working, no accreditation and no access to working media spaces 
  • Olympics and FEI Championships only: follow protocols in place for accessing athletes for interviews, which is via the team media officer and not by messaging them directly

For shows:

  • Make content producers aware of what they can and can't do in advance, this could include (but is not limited to):
    • Where they are allowed to go/where is off limits
    • Exactly what the rules are in relation to video footage of field of play
    • What your rules and restrictions are regarding sale of images/video content from an event
    • Insurance requirements
  • Make content producers aware of any particular protocols and/or if you have a designated place for people to record pieces to camera away from the working desk space, or a glamourboard they are welcome to use, where mixed zones are and how these work with any specific rules, etc 
  • When working with influencers, number of followers isn't always the most useful measure. Some smaller influencers have very engaged audiences. Check if they are a BEMA member, as BEMA will apply the same criteria to any member of the media applying to join (they will have been proposed and seconded)
  • Content creators to follow same rules as accredited media, whatever capacity they are attending in (i.e. whether they are accredited or not)

Other points

  • BEMA membership is for 18+ only
  • Shows and the guardians of content creators under the age of 18 must abide by child employment laws. This may involve a child performance licence. It is the responsibility of those involved to ensure they are abiding by the law and that the child is appropriately supervised and protected at all times.